Three and a half stars

all arrive at the hotel, and are greeted by Sonny (Dev Patel), who dreams of
escaping his mother’s watchful eye and marrying his girlfriend, Suniana (Tena
Dasae). All these people are in India for their own personal reasons, not
because they are just there for an adventure. However, it can’t help but be an
adventure for all those involved. Going to India isn’t exactly retiring to
Florida. No offense, but India’s a bigger adventure than Florida. However, I’m
getting off subject. India is a supporting character in this movie, and while
the movie wisely focuses on these retiree’s stories, India is the supporting
character that provides the opportunities for these characters to move forward
with their stories.
is beautifully shot in this movie and provides the backdrop for some culture
shock and some wonderment. The film shows India’s colors and scenery, and uses
it beautifully as a backdrop to the newcomers. Evelyn gets a job teaching those
who work at a phone bank how to talk to older people. Though, the most
affecting story in this is the story of Graham, who is there for very personal
reasons, of which I won’t reveal. However, his story is beautifully told. In a
way, all their stories are beautifully told. Of course, it’s inevitable in a
film like this that the older group would end up helping out the younger people.
Evelyn and Muriel end up helping out Sonny a lot. When you think the hotel is
going under, they come to the rescue.
“The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” is a feel
good movie for grown up’s, as opposed to a movie that looks at old age as some
kind of lame end of the road. I like movies about grown up’s for a couple
reasons. One of the pleasures of a film like this isn’t just the backdrop of a
foreign country or heartwarming stories. It’s seeing those older actors, those
pro’s. With so many movies about young people with superpowers, it’s always a pleasure
to see a movie about older people who happen to just be people.
Exotic Marigold Hotel” is a wonderful film about growing older, and not looking
at it as the end. However, a lot of people will probably think this is some
boring film only for the older set, and I don’t think that’s really true. Just
because they are older doesn’t mean their stories are any less important. So,
instead of lingering on the age of the people in this film, which will probably
drive away many viewers, linger on their stories instead. You can do a lot
worse than retiring to India. At least it’s an adventure. You know, unlike