Well, today is New Years Day. The day we all tell ourselves that this year is going to be our year (which is exactly what we said last year and the year before), but this year is going to be different. This year we are going to achieve more, read more, write more, exercise more, get a better job, find true love and achieve our goals. Well, at least, that’s what I tell myself every year. 2012 is going to be the year I become the person I always wanted to be. By 2013, you will no longer see the guy you hold before you. I will be the greatest by 2013. By 2013, I am a fit, good looking, wonderful and a fulfilled man. Well, at least I hope so. So, once again, let’s do the New Years Eve dance. The dance of self-fulfillment, Oprah style!
1. I’m going to write a book- I just read an article in the New York Times Magazine about the house of Christopher Paloini. By the time he was in his mid-20s, he had some 30 million copies sold of his fantasy series, The Inheritance Cycle. Heck, J.K. Rowling is only 46. I always wanted to write a book, and I promise myself every year that’s what I’m going to do. I love film, but my core love is the written word. I always wanted to write something cool, as well. Not some big depressing book that wins the Pulitzer. Although, some of my favorite books are just that. Nope. I want to write something in the spirit of a fantasy series or a science fiction novel or a book that’s just plain quirky. I’ve given it in a try in the past and gotten mixed reception. Maybe I shouldn’t pass around my work when it’s not finished. One of my favorite authors, William Gibson, once said that you have to tell the voice in your head that your work isn’t stupid in order to write fiction. If I could create some memorable characters that would be cool.
2. I’m going to get a job- This one just happens to be a plug for myself. I like to pretend on this blog I’m a professional, but in actuality I’m a recent college graduate. I’m also a freelance writer, and I write pieces. I've been writing for a long time. So, if so, I’m available for freelance and staff writing positions. Everyone can check out this blog, and see samplings of my work. Despite the fact that this blog is mostly about film, which I love, don’t pigeonhole me in that position. I’ll be more than happy to write feature pieces, profiles of local and national figures, interviews and articles on important topics. You can e-mail me at horowitza@hotmail.com.
3. I’m Going to Read More- I think every New Years Eve, we think this is the year of fulfillment. I’m not quite sure if that’s totally realistic as I sat on the couch, watching a marathon of The Big Bang Theory on TBS. Only to watch a marathon of The Honeymooners on PIX-11 the next day. For those of you in the New York area, you know the odd tradition we have. We watch a marathon of the Honeymooners on channel 11 starting at 12 on New Years Eve. Talk about outdated and politically incorrect, although it’s really funny. But that is just a New Year’s Day family tradition. Now that I’m out of college I’m going to read more of what I want to read and become more well rounded. I’m going to read all the bestsellers and books people have been raving over, as well as authors that are more obscure. I do truly love books. I spend most of my free time reading. I have so many books on my shelf waiting to be discovered. Reading is one of the few activities that is never a waste of time, and is enlightening as opposed to just merely entertaining.
4. I’m going to Exercise More- starting tomorrow, after I’ve written my book, gotten
a job and read more books; I’m going to exercise more. I’m going to be sweating to the music. Put on my I-Pod, and run. As my brother would put it, hit the gym hard. He says it helps him relax. I say sitting in my chair helps me relax. Well, no more. I’m going to get this body moving, and by next, year, I’m going to be in really good shape. Once I’m in shape, though, I’ll probably have to change my personality. I’ll have to care about how I dress. Yes, I’m ready to care about how I dress.
5. I’m going to Find a Hobby- I have a guitar along with a box of books in the “I’m Going To Change My Life” pile. I choose to ignore that pile most days but not anymore. Ok. I’m going to find another hobby besides whatever I’m doing now.
6. I’m Going to Be Fulfilled- Yes, we say this to each other every year. This is the year of fulfillment. The truth is that a resolution no one seems to make, is that maybe our resolutions should be being happier with who we are and what we have achieved already. I’m not saying you should settle, but gosh, people put so much stress on themselves to do better. I’m going to keep the resolutions I’ve made above, but I doubt this will be the year of Alec. Last year wasn’t the year of Alec, but it wasn’t a bad year. Not by a mile. I’m going to try to work out more, write a book, find a hobby, get a job, and read more. However, I’m going to not get crazy if I’m not totally fulfilled by 2014. I mean, is anyone really fulfilled totally (ok, don’t answer that). If you spend your life trying to fulfill yourself totally, you’ll go crazy. Life doesn’t really work that way. I hate to sound like a self help book, but hey, we are human, right?
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